5. FY11 Annual Resurfacing Phase 2 (Local Roads) Contract Award Recommendation: Board: 1) Award the base bid for the FY 11 Annual Resurfacing – Phase II (Local Roads) Project to C.W. Roberts Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $519,927.58; and, 2) Authorize contingency and testing funds in the amount of $26,000.00 (5%). 6. Resota Beach Road Drainage Improvement Contract Award Recommendation: Board: 1) Award the bid for the Resota Beach Road Drainage Improvements Project to GAC Contractors, Inc. for $254,369.41; and, 2) Authorize contingency and testing funds for $25,000.00 (10%); and, 3) Authorize staff to advertise a 45-day road closure and detour plan. 7. Scotts Ferry Road Drainage Improvement Contract Award Recommendation: Board: 1) Award the bid for the Scotts Ferry Road Drainage Improvements Project to Triangle Construction, Inc. for $537,476.50; and, 2) Authorize contingency and testing funds for $32,250.00 (6%); and, 3) Authorize staff to advertise a 5-day road closure and detour.
Redistricting County Commissioner Districts Recommendation: Board conduct a public hearing to consider and allow public comment on redistricting of County Commissioner districts based on changes in the 2010 census. Article VIII, Section 1(e), of the Florida Constitution states in part, “After each decennial census the board of county commissioners shall divide the county into districts of contiguous territory as nearly equal in population as practicable”.
Notice of Proposed Change Bay Point DRI Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing and decide whether to approve or deny a Notice of Proposed Change to the Bay Point Development of Regional Impact development order. Application No. PZ 11-064. The property is located in the Bay Point DRI near Albert Avenue south of Broward Street and near Magnolia Beach Road and Delwood Beach Rd.
LPA Bay Point DRI near Entrance of South of Broward Street Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing on a proposal for a Large Scale Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to revise the map of the Bay County Comprehensive Plan regarding the Bay Point DRI Special Treatment Zone, and decide whether to adopt, adopt with changes, or not adopt the large-scale comprehensive plan amendment, Application No. LPA 11-01-DRI, located near the entrance of the Bay Point DRI site, south of Broward Street.
ZC Bay Point DRI near Albert Avenue – South of Broward Street Recommendation: Board conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing pursuant to Section 307 of the Land Development Regulations and take action on a proposed zone change, Application No. PZ 11-066. The property is located in the Bay Point DRI near Albert Avenue south of Broward Street.
ZC Bay Point DRI near Magnolia & Delwood Beach Roads Recommendation: Board conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing pursuant to Section 307 of the Land Development Regulations and take action on a proposed zone change, Application No. PZ 11-067. The property is located in the Bay Point DRI near Magnolia Beach Road and Delwood Beach Road.
SSA 8002 Highway 388 West Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing to consider a proposal of a Small-Scale Amendment to the Bay County Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map, Application No. PZ 11-086. Located at 8002 Highway 388 West.
ZC 8002 Highway 388 West Recommendation: Board to conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing pursuant to Section 307 of the Land Development Regulations and take action on a proposed zone change from “R-2” Duplex & Manufactured Housing to “VC-Mixed Use” Village Center-Mixed Use, Application No. PZ 11-087. Located at 8002 Highway 388 West.
SSA 8024 Highway 388 West Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing to consider a proposal of a Small-Scale Amendment to the Bay County Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map, Application No. PZ 11-084. Located at 8024 Highway 388 West.
ZC 8024 Highway 388 West Recommendation: Board to conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing pursuant to Section 307 of the Land Development Regulations and take action on a proposed zone change from “R-2” Duplex & Manufactured Housing to “VC-Mixed Use” Village Center-Mixed Use, Application No. PZ 11-085. Located at 8024 Highway 388 West.
Massalina Investments, LLC Recommendation: Board conduct a public hearing to receive public comment regarding a proposed development on Massalina Bayou utilizing guaranteed loan funds from Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
5. FY11 Annual Resurfacing Phase 2 (Local Roads) Contract Award Recommendation: Board: 1) Award the base bid for the FY 11 Annual Resurfacing – Phase II (Local Roads) Project to C.W. Roberts Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $519,927.58; and, 2) Authorize contingency and testing funds in the amount of $26,000.00 (5%). 6. Resota Beach Road Drainage Improvement Contract Award Recommendation: Board: 1) Award the bid for the Resota Beach Road Drainage Improvements Project to GAC Contractors, Inc. for $254,369.41; and, 2) Authorize contingency and testing funds for $25,000.00 (10%); and, 3) Authorize staff to advertise a 45-day road closure and detour plan. 7. Scotts Ferry Road Drainage Improvement Contract Award Recommendation: Board: 1) Award the bid for the Scotts Ferry Road Drainage Improvements Project to Triangle Construction, Inc. for $537,476.50; and, 2) Authorize contingency and testing funds for $32,250.00 (6%); and, 3) Authorize staff to advertise a 5-day road closure and detour.
Redistricting County Commissioner Districts Recommendation: Board conduct a public hearing to consider and allow public comment on redistricting of County Commissioner districts based on changes in the 2010 census. Article VIII, Section 1(e), of the Florida Constitution states in part, “After each decennial census the board of county commissioners shall divide the county into districts of contiguous territory as nearly equal in population as practicable”.
Notice of Proposed Change Bay Point DRI Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing and decide whether to approve or deny a Notice of Proposed Change to the Bay Point Development of Regional Impact development order. Application No. PZ 11-064. The property is located in the Bay Point DRI near Albert Avenue south of Broward Street and near Magnolia Beach Road and Delwood Beach Rd.
LPA Bay Point DRI near Entrance of South of Broward Street Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing on a proposal for a Large Scale Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to revise the map of the Bay County Comprehensive Plan regarding the Bay Point DRI Special Treatment Zone, and decide whether to adopt, adopt with changes, or not adopt the large-scale comprehensive plan amendment, Application No. LPA 11-01-DRI, located near the entrance of the Bay Point DRI site, south of Broward Street.
ZC Bay Point DRI near Albert Avenue – South of Broward Street Recommendation: Board conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing pursuant to Section 307 of the Land Development Regulations and take action on a proposed zone change, Application No. PZ 11-066. The property is located in the Bay Point DRI near Albert Avenue south of Broward Street.
ZC Bay Point DRI near Magnolia & Delwood Beach Roads Recommendation: Board conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing pursuant to Section 307 of the Land Development Regulations and take action on a proposed zone change, Application No. PZ 11-067. The property is located in the Bay Point DRI near Magnolia Beach Road and Delwood Beach Road.
SSA 8002 Highway 388 West Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing to consider a proposal of a Small-Scale Amendment to the Bay County Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map, Application No. PZ 11-086. Located at 8002 Highway 388 West.
ZC 8002 Highway 388 West Recommendation: Board to conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing pursuant to Section 307 of the Land Development Regulations and take action on a proposed zone change from “R-2” Duplex & Manufactured Housing to “VC-Mixed Use” Village Center-Mixed Use, Application No. PZ 11-087. Located at 8002 Highway 388 West.
SSA 8024 Highway 388 West Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing to consider a proposal of a Small-Scale Amendment to the Bay County Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map, Application No. PZ 11-084. Located at 8024 Highway 388 West.
ZC 8024 Highway 388 West Recommendation: Board to conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing pursuant to Section 307 of the Land Development Regulations and take action on a proposed zone change from “R-2” Duplex & Manufactured Housing to “VC-Mixed Use” Village Center-Mixed Use, Application No. PZ 11-085. Located at 8024 Highway 388 West.
Massalina Investments, LLC Recommendation: Board conduct a public hearing to receive public comment regarding a proposed development on Massalina Bayou utilizing guaranteed loan funds from Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).