Errors & Insolvencies Listings New Growth Management Changes – Secretary Billy Buzzett Employee Service Awards Distinguished Budget Award
Run for the Redfish Half Marathon Recommendation: Board approve the “Run for The Redfish Half Marathon” to be held on December 3, 2011.
4317 Schooner Lane Clean & Lien Recommendation: Board direct staff to have the overgrowth cut and removed from the property, and impose a lien on the property for the costs of cleaning property. Robert & Alison Simon are the owners of record.
JAG Grant Recommendation: Board approve the use of Bureau of Justice Assistance Grants funds as recommended by the Public Safety Coordinating Council. On June 13, the Board received notification from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) regarding the 2011 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistant Grant (JAG) Program in the amount of $153,382.
Motor Grader Resale Recommendation: Board authorize staff to sell the 2008 Caterpillar 12M Motor Grader to Deanco Auction & Real Estate Co. for $162,000.00. In FY 2008 the County initiated a grader replacement program whereby graders are purchased by the County, used for three years and then sold on the commercial construction equipment market. The funds from the re-sale of the three year old graders are used to purchase new graders.
Florida Forever Grant Application Recommendation: Board adopt a resolution supporting the Forever Florida grant application for West Bay Preservation Lands located between Crooked Creek and the eastern edge of the West Bay Sector Plan.
Bear Point Drive & Cochran Avenue MSBU FPH Recommendation: Board: 1) Approve the final assessment roll; and, 2) If approved, adopt and record a resolution levying assessments against the property owners benefiting the Bear Point Drive & Cochran Avenue MSBU as set forth in the final assessment roll.
Amend TDC Plan Ordinance Recommendation: Board to review and approve an amendment to FY 2011 and 2012 Bay County Tourist Development Plan and Bay County Ordinance 97-01. This ordinance amends the FY 2011 and 2012 Bay County Tourist Development Plan and Bay County Ordinance 97-01 to provide that the monies received from the BP Exploration & Production, Inc. in settlement of TDC claims and losses associated with the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Massalina Investments, LLC, Presentation Recommendation: Board conduct a public hearing to receive public comment regarding a proposed development on Massalina Bayou utilizing guaranteed loan funds from Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Massalina Investments, LLC, a Florida limited liability company is requesting Bay County to join in the submittal of an application by the City of Panama City to HUD for Section 108 guaranteed loan funds to assist in their proposed development.
Errors & Insolvencies Listings New Growth Management Changes – Secretary Billy Buzzett Employee Service Awards Distinguished Budget Award
Run for the Redfish Half Marathon Recommendation: Board approve the “Run for The Redfish Half Marathon” to be held on December 3, 2011.
4317 Schooner Lane Clean & Lien Recommendation: Board direct staff to have the overgrowth cut and removed from the property, and impose a lien on the property for the costs of cleaning property. Robert & Alison Simon are the owners of record.
JAG Grant Recommendation: Board approve the use of Bureau of Justice Assistance Grants funds as recommended by the Public Safety Coordinating Council. On June 13, the Board received notification from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) regarding the 2011 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistant Grant (JAG) Program in the amount of $153,382.
Motor Grader Resale Recommendation: Board authorize staff to sell the 2008 Caterpillar 12M Motor Grader to Deanco Auction & Real Estate Co. for $162,000.00. In FY 2008 the County initiated a grader replacement program whereby graders are purchased by the County, used for three years and then sold on the commercial construction equipment market. The funds from the re-sale of the three year old graders are used to purchase new graders.
Florida Forever Grant Application Recommendation: Board adopt a resolution supporting the Forever Florida grant application for West Bay Preservation Lands located between Crooked Creek and the eastern edge of the West Bay Sector Plan.
Bear Point Drive & Cochran Avenue MSBU FPH Recommendation: Board: 1) Approve the final assessment roll; and, 2) If approved, adopt and record a resolution levying assessments against the property owners benefiting the Bear Point Drive & Cochran Avenue MSBU as set forth in the final assessment roll.
Amend TDC Plan Ordinance Recommendation: Board to review and approve an amendment to FY 2011 and 2012 Bay County Tourist Development Plan and Bay County Ordinance 97-01. This ordinance amends the FY 2011 and 2012 Bay County Tourist Development Plan and Bay County Ordinance 97-01 to provide that the monies received from the BP Exploration & Production, Inc. in settlement of TDC claims and losses associated with the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Massalina Investments, LLC, Presentation Recommendation: Board conduct a public hearing to receive public comment regarding a proposed development on Massalina Bayou utilizing guaranteed loan funds from Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Massalina Investments, LLC, a Florida limited liability company is requesting Bay County to join in the submittal of an application by the City of Panama City to HUD for Section 108 guaranteed loan funds to assist in their proposed development.