H. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Limited to items on BCC agenda, remarks limited to three (3) minutes)
I. CONSENT AGENDA Attorney 1. Renew County Attorney Contract Recommendation: Board to approve renewal of County Attorney Contract. Budget 2. FY10 Budget Amendment Recommendation: Board adopt a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2009-1010 Budget. County Attorney 3. Surf Drive Beach Access Recommendation: Board 1) approve rescinding Resolution 2666, 2) execute Quit Claim Deed to P.I. Holdings No. 1, Inc., and Release from P.I. Holdings No. 1, Inc., and 3) accept Quit Claim Deed from P.I. Holdings No. 1 to the County. The County abandoned Beach Access #18 but never received the new access-way to the east. The abandoned Beach Access #18 still contains a boardwalk and no improvements were ever placed in the new access way. Public Works 4. Venture Crossing Plat Approval Recommendation: Board approve the final plat of Venture Crossings Phase IA Subdivision. The subdivision consists of 10 commercial lots and 0.5 miles of road, which will remain private TDC 5. Coastal Engineering Master Service Agreements & Task Orders Recommendation: Board approve and execute the Master Services Agreements with Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc. and Preble-Rish, Inc., relating to Professional Coastal Engineering Services for Gulf Beach and Shoreline in Bay County, Florida and Task Orders No. 1 for miscellaneous coastal engineering hourly services as requested, per fiscal year through FY 2012/2013. Clerk of Circuit Court 6. Revenues & Expenditures, Tax Certificate Refunds/Cancellations, Qtr. Investment Reports Recommendation: Board acknowledge receipt of reports.
3740 Edward Road Clean & Lien Recommendation: Board direct staff to have the overgrowth cut and remove the derelict boat, trash and swimming pool from the property, and impose a lien on the property for the costs of cleaning property. (Dennis and Kimberly McManus)
12619 Greenbrier Road Clean & Lien Recommendation: Board direct staff to have the overgrown grass and weeds cut all trash, garbage, appliances and junk mobile homes removed from the property, and impose a lien on the property for the costs of cleaning property. (Janice M. Gay, Estate)
Commissioner Committee Appointments Recommendation: Board to approve appointments of commissioners to various committees through 2010-2011.
Code Enforcement Board Appointment Recommendation: Board review and re-appoint Mr. Mukhtar Kabuka and Mr. Robert Sterrett to another three-year term to the Code Enforcement Board.
13. Motor Grader Purchase Recommendation: Board approve and authorize staff to purchase three motor graders under the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties Contract No. 10-18-907 at a cost of $606,784.00.
Short Street ROW Abandonment Recommendation: Board: 1) Conduct the public hearing to consider the abandonment of an unopened right-of-way platted by virtue of Segler’s Addition to Bayou George; and, 2) If approved, adopt a resolution to abandon; and, 3) Authorize the Clerk of the Court to record the resolution. This unimproved right-of-way is approximately 430 feet in length and 60 feet wide.
Bay Point DRI Amendment Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing proposal for a Large Scale Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to revise the text and maps of the Bay County Comprehensive Plan regarding the Bay Point DRI Special Treatment Zone, for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for analysis and issuance of an Objections, Recommendations, and Comments report.
West Bay Zone Change Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing to consider a County-initiated proposal to reconfigure approximately 476 acres of land in the “BC” Business Center and the “WBP” West Bay Preservation zone districts. Requires a Zone Change. Located on the north side of County Road 388 and the east and west sides of the West
FY11 & FY12 Work Plan Ordinance Recommendation: Board conduct a public hearing to consider attached ordinance approving the FY 2011 and FY 2012 Bay County Tourist Development Plan.
Demand Fee Payments Recommendation: Board conduct a public hearing and then A) Enter order closing old rate cases as moot, B) Approve hiring a hearing officer and special counsel to assist with new rate cases, and C) Issue an order for payment of regulatory assessment fees.
Suspend Interim Rates Recommendation: Board approve Order Suspending Interim and Permanent Rates and Setting Deadlines to Process Applications for Rate Increases.
N. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT AND COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioners Gainer & Tunnell to make their appointments to: o Parks & Recreation Advisory Board o Planning Commission o Public Library Advisory Committee O. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT P. COUNTY ATTORNEY’S REPORT Q. RECESS R. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Bay County Board of County Commissioners will convene an attorney-client session pursuant to Section 286.011, Florida Statutes, to discuss matters involving the case of Allen Johnson, LLC v. Bay County, Case No. 5:10-cv-00260-RS-MD. In attendance will be the Board of County Commissioners, County Manager, County Attorney, Assistant County Attorney and a certified court reporter. The Executive Session will begin at 9:00 a.m., or soon thereafter as it may be heard. S. RECONVENE T. ADJOURN
H. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Limited to items on BCC agenda, remarks limited to three (3) minutes)
I. CONSENT AGENDA Attorney 1. Renew County Attorney Contract Recommendation: Board to approve renewal of County Attorney Contract. Budget 2. FY10 Budget Amendment Recommendation: Board adopt a resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2009-1010 Budget. County Attorney 3. Surf Drive Beach Access Recommendation: Board 1) approve rescinding Resolution 2666, 2) execute Quit Claim Deed to P.I. Holdings No. 1, Inc., and Release from P.I. Holdings No. 1, Inc., and 3) accept Quit Claim Deed from P.I. Holdings No. 1 to the County. The County abandoned Beach Access #18 but never received the new access-way to the east. The abandoned Beach Access #18 still contains a boardwalk and no improvements were ever placed in the new access way. Public Works 4. Venture Crossing Plat Approval Recommendation: Board approve the final plat of Venture Crossings Phase IA Subdivision. The subdivision consists of 10 commercial lots and 0.5 miles of road, which will remain private TDC 5. Coastal Engineering Master Service Agreements & Task Orders Recommendation: Board approve and execute the Master Services Agreements with Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc. and Preble-Rish, Inc., relating to Professional Coastal Engineering Services for Gulf Beach and Shoreline in Bay County, Florida and Task Orders No. 1 for miscellaneous coastal engineering hourly services as requested, per fiscal year through FY 2012/2013. Clerk of Circuit Court 6. Revenues & Expenditures, Tax Certificate Refunds/Cancellations, Qtr. Investment Reports Recommendation: Board acknowledge receipt of reports.
3740 Edward Road Clean & Lien Recommendation: Board direct staff to have the overgrowth cut and remove the derelict boat, trash and swimming pool from the property, and impose a lien on the property for the costs of cleaning property. (Dennis and Kimberly McManus)
12619 Greenbrier Road Clean & Lien Recommendation: Board direct staff to have the overgrown grass and weeds cut all trash, garbage, appliances and junk mobile homes removed from the property, and impose a lien on the property for the costs of cleaning property. (Janice M. Gay, Estate)
Commissioner Committee Appointments Recommendation: Board to approve appointments of commissioners to various committees through 2010-2011.
Code Enforcement Board Appointment Recommendation: Board review and re-appoint Mr. Mukhtar Kabuka and Mr. Robert Sterrett to another three-year term to the Code Enforcement Board.
13. Motor Grader Purchase Recommendation: Board approve and authorize staff to purchase three motor graders under the Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties Contract No. 10-18-907 at a cost of $606,784.00.
Short Street ROW Abandonment Recommendation: Board: 1) Conduct the public hearing to consider the abandonment of an unopened right-of-way platted by virtue of Segler’s Addition to Bayou George; and, 2) If approved, adopt a resolution to abandon; and, 3) Authorize the Clerk of the Court to record the resolution. This unimproved right-of-way is approximately 430 feet in length and 60 feet wide.
Bay Point DRI Amendment Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing proposal for a Large Scale Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to revise the text and maps of the Bay County Comprehensive Plan regarding the Bay Point DRI Special Treatment Zone, for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for analysis and issuance of an Objections, Recommendations, and Comments report.
West Bay Zone Change Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing to consider a County-initiated proposal to reconfigure approximately 476 acres of land in the “BC” Business Center and the “WBP” West Bay Preservation zone districts. Requires a Zone Change. Located on the north side of County Road 388 and the east and west sides of the West
FY11 & FY12 Work Plan Ordinance Recommendation: Board conduct a public hearing to consider attached ordinance approving the FY 2011 and FY 2012 Bay County Tourist Development Plan.
Demand Fee Payments Recommendation: Board conduct a public hearing and then A) Enter order closing old rate cases as moot, B) Approve hiring a hearing officer and special counsel to assist with new rate cases, and C) Issue an order for payment of regulatory assessment fees.
Suspend Interim Rates Recommendation: Board approve Order Suspending Interim and Permanent Rates and Setting Deadlines to Process Applications for Rate Increases.
N. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT AND COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioners Gainer & Tunnell to make their appointments to: o Parks & Recreation Advisory Board o Planning Commission o Public Library Advisory Committee O. COUNTY MANAGER’S REPORT P. COUNTY ATTORNEY’S REPORT Q. RECESS R. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Bay County Board of County Commissioners will convene an attorney-client session pursuant to Section 286.011, Florida Statutes, to discuss matters involving the case of Allen Johnson, LLC v. Bay County, Case No. 5:10-cv-00260-RS-MD. In attendance will be the Board of County Commissioners, County Manager, County Attorney, Assistant County Attorney and a certified court reporter. The Executive Session will begin at 9:00 a.m., or soon thereafter as it may be heard. S. RECONVENE T. ADJOURN