PRESENTATIONS > Dr. Jim Kerley "Welcome and Advanced Technology Center Update" > Hathaway Bridge Update - FDOT
Recommendation: Board to consider and adopt the attached authorizing resolution for the issuance of up to $20,800,000 (Series 2013) in conduit tax-exempt and taxable financing for the Bay Haven Charter Academy, Inc. Authorize the Chairman to sign the resolution and other documents necessary to complete the transaction.
2512 Joan Avenue Clean & Lien Recommendation: Board direct staff to have the trash, garbage, debris and derelict vehicle removed from the property, and impose a lien on the property for the costs of cleaning property
RESTORE Act Coordinator Recommendation: Board approve a temporary position of RESTORE Act Coordinator with the County Manager's Office.
Delinquent Tax Roll Advertisement Recommendation: Board authorize staff to bid advertising services for real and personal property with delinquent taxes as required by Florida Statute 197.402(1).
Proactively Managing Spring Break Recommendation: Board find that making a limited and specifically targeted contribution of $100,000 from TDC tax revenue to enhance proactive management of College Spring Break security provided by local law enforcement directly and primarily promotes tourism during Spring Break and throughout the year, and authorize the expenditure for that purpose
ROW Abandonment Recommendation: Board: 1) Conduct the public hearing to consider the abandonment of a portion of unopened right-of-way platted by virtue of the St. Andrews Bay Development Company subdivision; and, 2) If approved, adopt a resolution to abandon; and, 3) Authorize the Clerk of the Court to record the resolution.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Ch. 5C - Potable Water Sub-Element Recommendation: Board to conduct a legislative public hearing to consider a proposed large-scale plan amendment to revise Chapter 5C, Potable Water Sub-Element and its associated Water Supply Facilities Work Plan, of the Bay County Comprehensive Plan and decide whether to adopt, adopt with changes, or not adopt. Application Nos. PZ12-125 and LP A 12-07.
1st Reading - Lake Merial Development Agreement Recommendation: Board to conduct its first public hearing to consider a proposed Development Agreement between Bay County and Lake Merial, Inc. Property located on the east side of State Route 77 at its intersection with Lake Merial Boulevard, in the Sand Hills area.
PRESENTATIONS > Dr. Jim Kerley "Welcome and Advanced Technology Center Update" > Hathaway Bridge Update - FDOT
Recommendation: Board to consider and adopt the attached authorizing resolution for the issuance of up to $20,800,000 (Series 2013) in conduit tax-exempt and taxable financing for the Bay Haven Charter Academy, Inc. Authorize the Chairman to sign the resolution and other documents necessary to complete the transaction.
2512 Joan Avenue Clean & Lien Recommendation: Board direct staff to have the trash, garbage, debris and derelict vehicle removed from the property, and impose a lien on the property for the costs of cleaning property
RESTORE Act Coordinator Recommendation: Board approve a temporary position of RESTORE Act Coordinator with the County Manager's Office.
Delinquent Tax Roll Advertisement Recommendation: Board authorize staff to bid advertising services for real and personal property with delinquent taxes as required by Florida Statute 197.402(1).
Proactively Managing Spring Break Recommendation: Board find that making a limited and specifically targeted contribution of $100,000 from TDC tax revenue to enhance proactive management of College Spring Break security provided by local law enforcement directly and primarily promotes tourism during Spring Break and throughout the year, and authorize the expenditure for that purpose
ROW Abandonment Recommendation: Board: 1) Conduct the public hearing to consider the abandonment of a portion of unopened right-of-way platted by virtue of the St. Andrews Bay Development Company subdivision; and, 2) If approved, adopt a resolution to abandon; and, 3) Authorize the Clerk of the Court to record the resolution.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Ch. 5C - Potable Water Sub-Element Recommendation: Board to conduct a legislative public hearing to consider a proposed large-scale plan amendment to revise Chapter 5C, Potable Water Sub-Element and its associated Water Supply Facilities Work Plan, of the Bay County Comprehensive Plan and decide whether to adopt, adopt with changes, or not adopt. Application Nos. PZ12-125 and LP A 12-07.
1st Reading - Lake Merial Development Agreement Recommendation: Board to conduct its first public hearing to consider a proposed Development Agreement between Bay County and Lake Merial, Inc. Property located on the east side of State Route 77 at its intersection with Lake Merial Boulevard, in the Sand Hills area.