PRESENTATIONS • Service Awards-Michael Chiemengo(EMS), Kirt Winters(Mosquito) • Service Awards-Jeffrey Otts(Engineering), Whit Harris(Roads)
Budget 1. Crime Stoppers Trust Fund Grant Recommendation: Board authorize Chairman to sign letter to confirm Panhandle Crime Stoppers as approved to receive funds from Crime Stoppers Trust Fund. 2. Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund Recommendation: Board approve Sheriff's request for expenditure of monies from the Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund. County Manager 3. RESTORE Act Authorizing Enrollment Recommendation: Board to authorize Chairman of the Commission. to serve as Bay County's Grantee Authorizing Official for RESTORE Act Direct Component grants and approvals. Library Services 4. Revised Library Policy Manual Recommendation: Request the Board approve the revised policy manual for the Northwest Regional Library System. Public Works 5. Hwy 390 Right-of-Way Transfer to FOOT Recommendation: Board: 1) Review and sign the attached legal instruments and resolutions to transfer ownership interests to Florida Department of Transportation, and; 2) Authorize the Clerk of the Court to record the same. (Districts I and Ill) Risk Management 6. ADA and Nondiscrimination Policies and Procedures Recommendation: Request the Board approve updated ADA and nondiscrimination policies and grievance procedure. Tourist Development Council 7. TDC-FDEP Grant 11BA1 Amendment No.2 Recommendation: It is recommended by the Bay County TDC that the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to execute and deliver Amendment No. 2 to FDEP Grant Agreement 11 BA 1. Utility Services 8. Emergency Water Main Repair Recommendation: Staff recommends that the BOCC approve the invoice from Marshall Brothers in the amount of $165,825.30 for emergency repair work. Clerks 9. Revenues & Expenditures, Tax Certificates and/or Cancellations, Quarterly Investment Recommendation: Board to acknowledge receipt of reports.
REGULAR AGENDA Budget Office Supervisor of Elections Grant Match Recommendation: Board authorize the Chairman to execute the "Certificate Regarding Matching Funds" for $4,257.57 for the Supervisor of Elections Department of State Grant.
King's Point LOC to Permanent Financing Recommendation: Board authorize the Chairman to execute any and all resolutions, contracts, and/or agreements with Hancock Bank to convert the King's Point line of credit to permanent financing with a 10 year term at 3.25% interest rate.
Baldwin Road Widening Project Phase 3 Recommendation: Board: 1) Approve the Transportation Regional Incentive Program Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for Phase 3 of the Baldwin Road Widening Project; and, 2) Authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement and resolution. (District I)
Scotts Ferry Road TRIP Project Recommendation: Board: 1) Approve the Transportation Regional Incentive Program Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for the Scotts Ferry Road Improvement Project; and, 2) Authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement and resolution. (District IV)
LAP for Construction of Magnolia Beach Rd Multi-Use Path Recommendation: Board: 1) Approve the Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for the Construction of the Magnolia Beach Road Multi-Use Path Project; and, 2) Authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement and resolution. (District V)
PUBLIC HEARING Community Development Amendment to Chapter 3, Bay County Code Alcoholic Beverages Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing to consider adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 3, Alcoholic Beverages, of the Bay County Code of Ordinances by adding Section 3.5, Conditions of Approval of an Application for an Alcoholic Beverage License.
Crooked Creek Slow Speed Minimum Wake Zone Ordinance Recommendation: Board: 1) Conduct the public hearing to establish a Slow Speed Minimum Wake Zone, and; 2) If approved, adopt the Ordinance to implement the wake zone for the Crooked Creek Boat Ramp area, and; 3) Authorize staff to proceed with permitting and installation of appropriate signage. (District IV)
N. Star Drive PPP Continued Initial Public Hearing Recommendation: Board: 1) Conduct the public hearing and receive public comments; and, 2) Reject or Approve the Participating Paving Project for N. Star Drive (District IV)
PRESENTATIONS • Service Awards-Michael Chiemengo(EMS), Kirt Winters(Mosquito) • Service Awards-Jeffrey Otts(Engineering), Whit Harris(Roads)
Budget 1. Crime Stoppers Trust Fund Grant Recommendation: Board authorize Chairman to sign letter to confirm Panhandle Crime Stoppers as approved to receive funds from Crime Stoppers Trust Fund. 2. Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund Recommendation: Board approve Sheriff's request for expenditure of monies from the Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund. County Manager 3. RESTORE Act Authorizing Enrollment Recommendation: Board to authorize Chairman of the Commission. to serve as Bay County's Grantee Authorizing Official for RESTORE Act Direct Component grants and approvals. Library Services 4. Revised Library Policy Manual Recommendation: Request the Board approve the revised policy manual for the Northwest Regional Library System. Public Works 5. Hwy 390 Right-of-Way Transfer to FOOT Recommendation: Board: 1) Review and sign the attached legal instruments and resolutions to transfer ownership interests to Florida Department of Transportation, and; 2) Authorize the Clerk of the Court to record the same. (Districts I and Ill) Risk Management 6. ADA and Nondiscrimination Policies and Procedures Recommendation: Request the Board approve updated ADA and nondiscrimination policies and grievance procedure. Tourist Development Council 7. TDC-FDEP Grant 11BA1 Amendment No.2 Recommendation: It is recommended by the Bay County TDC that the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to execute and deliver Amendment No. 2 to FDEP Grant Agreement 11 BA 1. Utility Services 8. Emergency Water Main Repair Recommendation: Staff recommends that the BOCC approve the invoice from Marshall Brothers in the amount of $165,825.30 for emergency repair work. Clerks 9. Revenues & Expenditures, Tax Certificates and/or Cancellations, Quarterly Investment Recommendation: Board to acknowledge receipt of reports.
REGULAR AGENDA Budget Office Supervisor of Elections Grant Match Recommendation: Board authorize the Chairman to execute the "Certificate Regarding Matching Funds" for $4,257.57 for the Supervisor of Elections Department of State Grant.
King's Point LOC to Permanent Financing Recommendation: Board authorize the Chairman to execute any and all resolutions, contracts, and/or agreements with Hancock Bank to convert the King's Point line of credit to permanent financing with a 10 year term at 3.25% interest rate.
Baldwin Road Widening Project Phase 3 Recommendation: Board: 1) Approve the Transportation Regional Incentive Program Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for Phase 3 of the Baldwin Road Widening Project; and, 2) Authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement and resolution. (District I)
Scotts Ferry Road TRIP Project Recommendation: Board: 1) Approve the Transportation Regional Incentive Program Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for the Scotts Ferry Road Improvement Project; and, 2) Authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement and resolution. (District IV)
LAP for Construction of Magnolia Beach Rd Multi-Use Path Recommendation: Board: 1) Approve the Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for the Construction of the Magnolia Beach Road Multi-Use Path Project; and, 2) Authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement and resolution. (District V)
PUBLIC HEARING Community Development Amendment to Chapter 3, Bay County Code Alcoholic Beverages Recommendation: Board to conduct a public hearing to consider adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 3, Alcoholic Beverages, of the Bay County Code of Ordinances by adding Section 3.5, Conditions of Approval of an Application for an Alcoholic Beverage License.
Crooked Creek Slow Speed Minimum Wake Zone Ordinance Recommendation: Board: 1) Conduct the public hearing to establish a Slow Speed Minimum Wake Zone, and; 2) If approved, adopt the Ordinance to implement the wake zone for the Crooked Creek Boat Ramp area, and; 3) Authorize staff to proceed with permitting and installation of appropriate signage. (District IV)
N. Star Drive PPP Continued Initial Public Hearing Recommendation: Board: 1) Conduct the public hearing and receive public comments; and, 2) Reject or Approve the Participating Paving Project for N. Star Drive (District IV)